Anson County
2025 YTD
Anson County
Let's put these numbers in context:Snapshot for January, 2025
- Avg. Price
- $280K
- Med. Price
- $240K
- Avg. Days On Market
- 48-days
- Med. Days On Market
- 25-days
- Mo. Inventory
- 4.53-mo.
- No. Closed
- 10
- Total Active Listings
- 74
Monthly snapshot provided by The Ruiz Report. You can read their in-depth analysis of Anson County in this month's latest report here.
Office NameNo.$ Vol.
Data provided by CanopyMLS as of Feb. 19, 2025, 3:06 a.m.
1. Top-25: Many offices conduct off-market, or off-MLS deals. This list is calculated using CanopyMLS data - any deals not on the MLS are not counted towards overall numbers.
2. Closed volume: Volume is calculated based on closed transactions during the reporting period, in this case during 2025. Transactions currently under contract (pending) are not calculated for these rankings. Also, this list is calculated using CanopyMLS data, so any deals not on the MLS are not counted towards overall numbers.
3. Overall: Many of these Offices' agents are very proactive and often find themselves on both sides of the same transaction (meaning they represent both the Buyers and the Sellers). As such, overall numbers are not calculated by simply adding together an office's Buy-side and List-side volumes since that might double count some of their transactions!
Think some of your transactions are missing?! Send us a note and we'll look into it!